Preserve and evolve company’s know-how by improving work force management.
iSteel-Expert digitalizes the knowledge and experience of the best operators, by preventing the loss of individual knowledge, keeping, preserving, and evolving the knowledge of the organization.
The use of augmented data and Key Performance Indicators and the application of the innovative game-based training represents an attractive training solution for the new generations of workers and reduces the demand for experts and trainees to be physically present in front of the melting furnace, by therefore limiting the human exposure to harsh environmental conditions.
Increase process efficiency.
iSteel-Expert provides analysed data and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for past heats for a fast decision making to improve the process control of the electric arc furnace.
The adoption of Artificial Intelligence-based applications makes it possible to scale up local and extended optimization in melting area by improving reactivity to events and consequently process efficiency.
In particular, the support to operator coming from monitoring electrode arm movement, bucket charging, fume emission, acoustic emission and vibration monitoring improves energy efficiency in the melting process, while smart slag management reduces material losses by improving the melting process yield.
iSteel-Expert provides:
- an augmented set of data available 24/7 from sensors placed in strategic locations around the asset;
- an intelligent elaboration of the recorded data;
- relevant KPIs and suggestions from AI models.
iSteel-Expert supports fast, more accurate and efficient decision- making process leading to optimized process understanding and control.

Improve equipment condition and maintenance.
iSteel-Expert targets to record, in different formats (data, video, sound), specific events occurring during anomalous process conditions. Data processing and AI algorithms identify the causes of the anomaly and support the operator in the implementation of most appropriate countermeasures. Furthermore, analysis of anomalies via AI supports effective predictive maintenance.
For instance, electrode cooling water monitoring helps operators reducing electrode breakages; vibration information is directly correlated to mechanical wear of the conveyor for Consteel EAFs; fume system monitoring helps avoiding anomalous events affecting the integrity of the ducts, filters and fans.
Reduce environmental impact.
iSteel-Expert handles, analyses, and processes heterogeneous data to provide a timely and meaningful information on the melting process, and supports plant managers and operators in taking better, faster and more focused decisions to reduce the environmental footprint of production processes, while preserving optimal product quality and smooth process operation.
The different iSteel-Expert functions (electrode monitoring, slag management, bucket charging and vibration information) have a sizable reduction impact on energy consumption of the melting process with a direct effect on greenhouse gases emissions. Fume system monitoring supports reduction of gaseous (CO and NOx) and solid (dust) emissions, while the acoustic emission control reduces acoustic impact in the factory and surrounding areas.